With the aim to save money and energy, a lot of people have stopped using old standard light bulbs and replaced them with the eco-friendly energy saving ones. However, it turns out that these supposedly eco-friendly bulbs are actually toxic and detrimental. In fact, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency created an emergency protocol in case of a bulb breakage because of the harmful gas being released.

According to a study done at the Fraunhofer Wilhelm Klauditz Institute for German’s Federal Environment Agency, this gas emits 20 times more the allowed amount of mercury. Moreover, energy efficient light bulbs have been associated with anxiety, migraines, fatigue, dizziness, lack of concentration, and seizures.

For that purpose, take a look at some other reasons why you need to switch back to incandescent or led lights:

Excessive amount of mercury

Mercury is a neurotoxin which has an adverse effect to everyone, especially pregnant women and children. It harms the brain, nervous system, kidneys, liver, and, what’s more, it has been related to anxiety, insomnia, memory loss, cancer, tremors, and Alzheimer’s.

Cancer-causing chemicals

According to a study done at Berlin Germany’s Alab laboratory, the energy-efficient bulbs are filled with cancer-causing chemicals like styrene, phenol, and naphthalene.

UV rays

These bulbs emit UV-B and UV-C radiation which is harmful to the skin and eyes. Moreover, the radiation has a negative effect on the entire immune system and prevents the formation of vitamin D3.

In case of a bulb breakage, make sure to open all windows and doors and evacuate the house within 15 minutes. As the incandescent lights will not be available anymore, the LED ones are still available. Use them to be on the safe side.

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