Fluoride is a toxin that naturally occurs in water. But, when used in dental offices, it can combat some dental diseases. Ever since the 1940s, an increased quantities of fluoride have been added to the drinking water in order to combat tooth decay. And year after year, the amounts of fluoride are getting bigger and bigger despite the many studies which claim that fluoride is associated with thyroid disease, brain damage, and arthritis. Also, the fluoride toxicity has negative effects on the pineal gland.

The Pineal Gland:

The pineal gland is responsible for many health functions of the body. This gland affects the health of the heart and the functioning of the brain. One of the most important functions of the pineal gland is the handling of the sleeping cycle. As a part of the brain, the pineal gland produces the hormone called melatonin, which affects the time and the quality of the sleep. When there is too much fluoride in the pineal gland, the normal sleeping patterns will be disturbed and the thyroid functions will be reduced. This change can have major negative impact on the whole body’s health!

What To Do About Fluoride Build-Up?

Iodine promotes healthy thyroid functions due to its ability to flush out the fluoride out of the body. Many studies have confirmed that people with healthy iodine levels did not have any problems with fluoride. Or in other words, a healthy thyroid = a healthy pineal gland. The iodine deficiency is one of the biggest causes of brain damage according to the World Health Organization (WHO). This is one more reason why you should consume more iodine. But, the problem is that iodine is a mineral which our bodies don’t produce, so we need to ingest it from our meals. The best sources of iodine are sea vegetables (such as seaweed) and fish. One Japanese study has found that women who regularly consume seaweed have a lower risk of developing a breast cancer. Most of the experts recommend a consumption of 1-3 mg of iodine every day in order to keep the pineal and thyroid glands healthy.

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