Unfortunately, talking about the vagina and sex -related issues is a taboo, even today. This has to be changed and women who avoid talking about their feminine hygiene issues need to stop making this huge mistake. Maintaining vaginal hygiene is of utmost importance, hence, here is a list of some simple rules that every girl must know!

1.      Wipe from Front to Rear

You should always wipe with plain, unscented toilet paper in the front-back direction. This is very important as it prevents the fecal matter from entering the vagina and causing infections.

2.      Avoid Soaps and Hygiene Washes

Given the fact that the vagina is very sensitive, the chemicals contained in the scented soaps are likely to disrupt the natural pH balance, which should be kept at a 3.4-4.5 level. Always wash with plain water!

3.      Avoid Feminine Sprays and Douches

The sprays which allegedly change the smell of the vagina are loaded with chemicals which wash out the healthy bacteria responsible for preventing infections and fungus.  Replace these sprays with essential oils, such as lemongrass or rose mixed with some water.

4.      Pee after Sexual Intercourse

As a result of intercourse, the bad bacteria are likely to travel up the urethra. The best would be to pee soon after intercourse, as it will flush out the unhealthy bacteria and prevent tract infections.

5.      Wash after Sexual Intercourse

Any bacteria or microscopic substances which may have entered during the intercourse should be eliminated right away. This can be done by washing the vagina with warm water after intercourse. Both partners should shower before and after the intercourse to prevent unhealthy bacteria.

6.      Maintain Hygiene During Periods

Staying clean and healthy during the period is of utmost importance, as there is a chance for increased infections. Consider the following tips:

  • Change the tampons and pads regularly
  • Don’t use panty liners every day of the month as it may lead to skin irritation
  • Choose a menstrual cup instead of tampons. These rubber cups are inserted into the vagina and catch the blood rinsed off every few hours.

These caps don’t disrupt the natural pH balance of the vagina and don’t cause  any infections.

7.      Practice Kegal Exercises

Kegal exercises are designed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and the pubococcygeus muscle, which in turn prevents issues like urinary incontinence.

8.      Wear Cotton Underwear

Wearing cotton underwear prevents yeast and unhealthy bacteria from breeding, as cotton dries fast. The ones who suffer from vaginal infections should opt for organic, undyed, cotton underwear.

9.      Treat Infections

You should constantly look out for changes. Unnatural changes, such as a change in color, strange bumps, and bleeding in between periods shouldn’t be ignored. Rashes around the vulva and discharges with a fish odor should be treated on time, as timely consultation could prevent genital warts, HPV, and Chlamydia.

10.  Care Accordingly

It is important to take care of the vagina, as it is extremely sensitive and vital part of the body. Adhere to the instructions above and consult your gynecologist about any possible change.

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