There may be many different factors that determine when you get your period. Your nutrition and health are undoubtedly essential for it to behave normally. That’s the reason why we want to dedicate this article to telling you all of our tips so you understand where certain symptoms come from and how you can solve them with the help and advice of your doctor. Remember: for any symptoms or changes in your body, make an appointment with a doctor. It is very important.
What Is Irregular Menstruation?
You have probably had this happen to you more than once and it scared you: your period doesn’t come, you know you’re not pregnant, but you still don’t have the telltale pains and days go by without it coming. You can also have irregular spotting or suddenly it’s worse than any other month.
Normal menstrual cycles last between 21 and 35 days until your period comes. It’s common to have irregular periods for the first five or six years. But as you get older, they tend to be regular until you reach 40 or 45 years old which is when menopause progressively begins.
From this information, we can establish that irregularities are all abnormal processes that you can immediately identify by the pain, missing your period, or it coming twice in one month. We will analyze the causes one by one.
Late Periods
The first thing you should rule out is pregnancy. With that in mind, you should consider it to be “Amenorrea” when three months have gone by without a period. But stay clam, as it is most often associated with periods of stress: when you’re very nervous, when you’re going through periods of anxiety, when you have a lot of stress, or even because of the death of someone close to us. It’s normal for your body to be affected. It is also sometimes due to poor nutrition, anorexia, taking certain medications, and even obesity. Thyroid irregularities or any other hormonal problems can also determine why you aren’t getting your period.
What Can I Do?
Besides going to a doctor, you can also follow some simple and natural recommendations to regulate your body:
– Improve your diet: avoid fats and sweets, increase your consumption of liquids, fruits, and vegetables.
– Papaya is highly recommended for regulating your period.
– Fennel infusions: they are ideal for regulating your cycles. If you drink two small cups a day for two weeks you will notice it becoming more regular little by little.
By Oligomenorrhea, we mean when you have periods of cycles that are very spread out, once every four months, or just once in a while. Sometimes it is because of a peculiarity of a woman and other times it is because of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), which is very common when you have Oligomenorrhea.
Premature Ovarian Failure
In some cases, women haven’t even turned 45 and their periods stop. They have stopped ovulating. Women with this problem may have stopped having their period or have it very infrequently. It is due to a premature ovarian failure. The consequences of your period stopping so early may be because you have osteoporosis. Thus, this will need a complimentary hormonal treatment.
Very painful periods. Women that greatly suffer from periods feel incapacitated by this pain. Although this isn’t a very serious illness, it is very problematic for daily life. Homemade remedies like hot baths or the use of plants with painkilling properties can help you during these times of the month.
If you have pain before and after your period and long periods that are very heavy, it may be a sign of endometriosis. It is basically due to abnormal tissue growth inside the woman’s uterus which could cause infertility. It is a serious disease that requires treatment which is why it is important to see your doctor when you notice any symptoms.
To learn more about how you can treat this disease naturally and calm your pain, click on this word’s link: “endometriosis“.
Uterine Fibroids
They are the most common non-cancerous tumors that women of childbearing age suffer from. Signs of uterine fibroids may be very different: very heavy periods, bleeding mid cycle… Medications can sometimes stop their growth or in other cases surgery is required to get rid of them.
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